Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 2 The Next Day - Grieving with Hope

Like traveling through the “Grief Slinky”, Pastor Hybels believes God’s approach to grief is a healthier way than the hopeless approach, which is often what we experience as we grow up.  The struggles we have in balancing how we feel vs. how we are expected to act are a continual tug of war between our hearts and minds.

 In the next week, think about the times in your life when you feel one way and act another way.  How does this make you feel?  For example: Conflicted? Stressed? Phony?  Safe? Protected?

The more we can live out our lives the way we feel, the more we can experience God’s grace, mercy, and love.  Take one action in your life where you act one way and feel another, and work on aligning the two parts.  For example, if you are talking to a friend and feel like they are not listening to you, rather than pretending you are really okay, gently tell them you feel you’re not being heard. Say this with grace, but be honest and see what happens to your heart and your relationship.  It will not be easy, but God will bless your efforts.

Suggested reading: “The Healing Path: How the Hurts in Your Past Can Lead You to a More Abundant Life”, by Dan B. Allender

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